Thy will be done.
That is a dangerous sentence. It sounds so nice and poetic. We sing songs with it and decorate it with flowers to hang it up as a painting on the wall. We easily say it in prayers with the proud expectation that God's will and our will flow parallel.
Sometimes, no matter how hard you close our eyes to pray, there lingers the
doubt that God's will for the next step of your life may not be what you hope for.
Sometimes, no matter how much you want it, it might not happen yet or at all.
Sometimes, no matter how much you think it is good for you, God may be
sparing you from something harmful.
So far the Lord has said "no" to romantic relationships for me. Being the storytelling girl that I am, I enjoying observing people at college and imagining a life with them. I inwardly long for a romantic relationship because I have never had one before. That is not the only reason, mind you. But loving the idea of love can occasionally be more exciting than the realities of what it actually takes to be in a relationship. Unfortunately, the idea of love can result in some distracting crushes.
The guys that I have liked over the past three years have been respectable dudes. (My girlfriends would tell you that I have good taste.) They have been kind, people-loving, followers of Christ. However, none of them were perfect and they would all be the first ones to say it. Nevertheless, the fact that you notice a cute guy who happens to be a Christian doesn't mean that it is wise to immediately start acting upon attraction. That is one life rule that I live by. They should be observed and also talked about between you and the Lord.
So far my likes have been given "no's" from the Lord. A few times, when I have actively sought the Lord's guidance through prayer, the "no's" have been through the gradual disappearing of the feels. Those times have been full of ups and downs, like a rolling wave of emotions, and yet it was nice. A few times, when I argued with the Lord saying I knew what was best, the "no's" have been through very dramatic door slams in my face. (If you ever want the Lord to get your attention just defiantly declare that you know how your life should play out. He will show you who is in charge real fast!)
Getting "no's" really stinks. The door slams in my face hurt tremendously and took long periods of time to work through, during which my relationship with the Lord weakened in anger then strengthened in love. Currently, I get weird looks and stinging comments from people who don't understand why I won't just act upon my feelings, why I don't know how to flirt, or why I still hold to my conservative views on dating. I admit, in today's world it is weird that a twenty-year-old woman like me hasn't ever been in a relationship and hasn't visibly tried to get in one. But that's ok.
I have this hope. That no matter what my current lot in life is, whether it is being a "single pringle" or a "girl in love", I have the Author of my story guiding me along like a lovingly protective father escorting His daughter through the maze of life. No matter how many red lights I get or how many doors slam close, there will always be another road to walk on which will be exactly where I need to grow and mature.
"No's" and "not yet's" are just road signs to point where the "yes's" are!
So my dears (and my dudes), don't be discouraged if God is saying no to you right now as well. He will provide for all of your needs, perhaps in ways you never thought of! I trust Him more than I trust myself. If you consistently ask for wisdom and discernment, He will direct your paths. That is what He has done in my story and although it hasn't always been fun, it has been good. I wouldn't ever change the "no's" that I have been given.