Sunday, November 3, 2019

Grow Where You're Planted

Grow where you're planted.
It can be so easy to start a new chapter with a romanticized expectancy.
Life after graduation is supposed to be filled to the brim with unexplored possibilities.
The world awaits to be influenced with your new found knowledge wrapped in a diploma.
The garden is tilled and ready for your flower to shine.

Grow where you're planted.
You don't get to choose which plot you land on.
The Gardener picks a forgotten corner in the midst of a cornfield.
The world that seemed so vast is now scrunched into a place that you never thought you'd return to.
The garden is smaller than you expected it would be.

Grow where you're planted.
You refuse to put down roots.
The allure of a more interesting future deters commitment to where you already are.
Only giving seventy-five percent effort doesn't produce a flowering plant.
The garden is more than a temporary placement.

Grow where you're planted.
The Gardener continues to gently prod you to blossom.
He provides you with sun-shining opportunities to get involved in.
He provides you with rain-refreshing relationships to invest in.
The garden is suited for your needs.

Grow where you're planted.
In a moment of painful honesty, the garden seems more important than before.
The wide world may be new and exciting, but the corner in the cornfield has its joys.
In a season of transition, roots begin to intertwine with others in the soil of your story.
The garden is made for more than one flower.

Grow where you're planted.
The Gardener knew all along that this was where you needed to be.
He carefully tilled the soil to prepare a spot just for you to shine.
He crafted the garden to teach you where you needed to bloom better.
The garden is a bed of influence and a training ground.

Grow where you're planted.
Maybe one day you will move to a bigger plot of land.
But for now the corner in the cornfield is exactly where you need to be.
Maybe one day a new adventure will begin but for now I'll
Grow where I'm planted.

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